Monday, March 16, 2009

Ugh I still have a headache!

Okay I guess I can be somewhat of a manic. when I'm upset I party hard but, when I'm depressed I buy things. this past weekend I was both upset and depressed do to two funerals. Friday and Saturday I had to say goodbye to two dear friends. So I partied really hard to the point that I was throwing up in a cup at Steak and Shake but, I didn't care and I'm not at all embarrassed. That took care of half my problem I still needed to shop so I took my credit card and bought some accessories for my car, new clothes, and a new Monolpoly game my favorite this recent one makes number 20 yea!!!!


  1. Kassi - I am so sorry to hear about our loss. At some point this past weekend, I tried to buy my way out of feeling down. Over the years, I have learned that this does not really work as intended, and I did not buy anything. There was really nothing I wanted. I hope you find your way to feeling better - whatever that may be that is good for you. ~Ms. A

  2. Karissa - Sorry, the name Kassi has been on my mind and my fingers just took over. Forgive me? ~Ms. A
